Stephen Hawking

                British cosmologist Stephen William Hawking, the biggest star of modern science was born in England on January 8, 1942 (300 years after the death of the astronomer Galllileo Galilei). He attended University College, Oxford where he studied Physics despite of his father's urging to focus on medicine. But Mr. Hawking went to the Cambridge to research cosmology that about the study of Universe. In early 1963 just on his 21st birthday, he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease by which Hawking began using a wheelchair and then in 1985 an emergency tracheotomy caused his total loss of speech. Hawking was a popular writer also. His 1st book "A Brief History of Time" was published in 1988 and became International best seller book.

             He says "we are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the universe. That makes us something very special."

            Stephen Hawking one of the most intelligent and inspiring Physicist who died on March 14, 2018  at the age of 76 when a real genius Albert Einstein was born.


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