Thomas Alva Edison

             Thomas Alva Edison was born on 11th February, 1847 in Milan, Ohio and was an American inventor who was also one of the American businessman. His mother, Nancy was a school teacher & his father was a Canadian political fire brand. Edison invented the telegraph,phonograph, electric light bulb, alkaline storage batteries and kinetograph (a camera for motion pictures). In 1869 at the age of 22, Edison moved to New York city and developed his first invention i.e. an improved stock ticker called the "Universal Stock Printer". In 1887, Edison built an industrial research laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey which known as the "Primary research laboratory" for "Edison lighting companies". Edison spent most of his time in that industry for the development of lighting technology & power systems.

                During World War I, the US government asked Thomas Edison to head the Naval Consulting Board, which examined the inventions for military use. Edison worked on several projects i.e. submarine detector & gun - location techniques.
        He says,
                      "Genius is one percent inspiration,
                        ninety - nine percent perspiration".
              At the time of  death Edison received 1,903 US patents a total still untouched by any other inventor. He was died on 18th October, 1931, in West Orange, New Jersey at the age of 84.


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