Subject : ------------: Scientist
Father of Botany-: Theophrastus
Father of Zoology-: Aristotle
Father of Biology-: Aristotle
Father of Modern Botany-: Linnaeus
Father of Endochrinology-: Thomas Addison
Father of Immunology-: Edward Jenner
Father of Agronomy-: Peter De-cresenji
Father of Genetics-: GJ Mendel
Father of Modern Genetics-: TH Morgan
Father of Biodiversity-: EO Wilson
Father of Cytology-: Robert Hooke
Father of Palynology-: Erdtman
Father of Mycology-: Micheli
Father of Indian Forestry-: Sir Dietrich Brandis
Father of Plant Physiology-: Stephan Hales
Father of Gene Therapy-: Anderson
Father of Indian Paleobotany-: Birbal Sahani
Father of Polygenic-: Inheritance Kolreuter
Father of Surgery and Plastic Surgery-: Susruta
Father of Anatomy-: Herophilus
Father of Ethology-: Konard Lorentz
Father of Cloning-: Ian Willmut
Father of Chemotherapy-: Paul Ehrlich
Father of Eugenics-: Francis Galton
Father of Bryology-: Johann Hedwig
Father of Indian Ecology-: R Mishra
Father of Mutation-: Hugo De Vries
Father of Indian Phycology-: OP Iyengar
Father of Genetic Engineering-: Paul Berg
Father of Ayurveda-: Charka
Father of Polio Vaccine-: Jonas Salk
Father of Taxonomy-: Carolus Linnaeus
Father of Embryology-: Aristotle
Father of Microscopy-: Marcello Malpighi
Father of Blood Circulation-: William Harvey
Father of Medicine-: Hippocrates
Father of Blood Groups-: Karl Landsteiner
Father of Radiation Genetics-: HJ Muller
Father of Palaentology-: Leonardo da Vinci
Father of Flistology-: Francis Bichet
Father of DNA Finger Printing-: Garrod
Father of ATP Cycle-: Lipmann
Father of Stress Physiology-: Hans Selye
Father of Gerontology-: Korenchevsk
Father of Bacteriology-: Robert Koch
Father of Antibiotics-: Alexander Fleming
Father of Pathology-: Rudolph Virchow
Father of Virology-: WM Stanley
Father of Epidemiology-: John Snow
Father of Endocrinology-: Thomas Addison
Father of Homeopathy-: Hahnemann
Father of Green Revolution-: Norman Borlaug


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