
Showing posts from March, 2018

World Water Day

                        Water is an important fluid due to which life can possible in earth. It is an important component, more than 80-90% constituent of cell is water. Due to it's fluidic nature it balances our pH in our body and all physiological processes take place in presence of water, so we have drink atleast 2 liter or 8 glass of water daily. It also used in our day to day activities. As it is an important constituent of our environment we have to save water as well as aware people about it, as in earth there are limited amount of fresh water present which can be used for drinking purpose. So Save Water Save Earth And Save Life.              World Water Day is celebrated every year on 22nd March by the people of all over the world. It was first officially added in the year 1992 by "United Nations Conference on Environment and Development" (UNCED) in the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil but celebration started from the year 1993. Since 1993 every year on 22nd Mar

Thomas Alva Edison

             Thomas Alva Edison was born on 11th February, 1847 in Milan, Ohio and was an American inventor who was also one of the American businessman. His mother, Nancy was a school teacher & his father was a Canadian political fire brand. Edison invented the telegraph,phonograph, electric light bulb, alkaline storage batteries and kinetograph (a camera for motion pictures). In 1869 at the age of 22, Edison moved to New York city and developed his first invention i.e. an improved stock ticker called the "Universal Stock Printer". In 1887, Edison built an industrial research laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey which known as the "Primary research laboratory" for "Edison lighting companies". Edison spent most of his time in that industry for the development of lighting technology & power systems.                 During World War I, the US government asked Thomas Edison to head the Naval Consulting Board, which examined the inventions for

Stephen Hawking

                British cosmologist Stephen William Hawking, the biggest star of modern science was born in England on January 8, 1942 (300 years after the death of the astronomer Galllileo Galilei). He attended University College, Oxford where he studied Physics despite of his father's urging to focus on medicine. But Mr. Hawking went to the Cambridge to research cosmology that about the study of Universe. In early 1963 just on his 21st birthday, he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease by which Hawking began using a wheelchair and then in 1985 an emergency tracheotomy caused his total loss of speech. Hawking was a popular writer also. His 1st book "A Brief History of Time" was published in 1988 and became International best seller book.              He says "we are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the universe. That makes us something very special."             Stephen Hawking one o


      Subject : ------------: Scientist Father of Botany-: Theophrastus Father of Zoology-: Aristotle Father of Biology-: Aristotle Father of Modern Botany-: Linnaeus Father of Endochrinology-: Thomas Addison Father of Immunology-: Edward Jenner Father of Agronomy-: Peter De-cresenji Father of Genetics-: GJ Mendel Father of Modern Genetics-: TH Morgan Father of Biodiversity-: EO Wilson Father of Cytology-: Robert Hooke Father of Palynology-: Erdtman Father of Mycology-: Micheli Father of Indian Forestry-: Sir Dietrich Brandis Father of Plant Physiology-: Stephan Hales Father of Gene Therapy-: Anderson Father of Indian Paleobotany-: Birbal Sahani Father of Polygenic-: Inheritance Kolreuter Father of Surgery and Plastic Surgery-: Susruta Father of Anatomy-: Herophilus Father of Ethology-: Konard Lorentz Father of Cloning-: Ian Willmut Father of Chemotherapy-: Paul Ehrlich Father of Eugenics-: Francis Galton Father of Bryology-: Johann Hedwig Father of Indian